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Inheritance and Estate Distribution

Comprehensive Inheritance and Tax Support Upon Occurrence of Inheritance

Complex estates, such as those involving real estate, business assets, or foreign assets, often present significant challenges for heirs. Distributing the decedent’s estate among multiple heirs typically requires legal proceedings. Only then can the legally formed community of heirs be dissolved. Legal and tax expertise is especially crucial in the case of real estate or closed-end funds to avoid mistakes or unfavorable tax consequences.

As specialist attorneys in inheritance law and tax law, together with our tax advisors, we provide comprehensive legal and tax support to heirs upon the occurrence of an inheritance. We assist with filling out court valuation forms, submitting probate applications, managing estate divisions, and providing comprehensive advice on all tax implications. When preparing the inheritance tax return, we leverage our tax and inheritance law expertise to minimize potential inheritance taxes within the scope of the law.

Expertise in Inheritance Law

Additional Expertise

Bastian Ruge LL.M. Attorney | Specialist Attorney for Tax Law | Specialist Attorney for Inheritance Law

Bastian Ruge LL.M.

Attorney | Specialist Attorney for Tax Law | Specialist Attorney for Inheritance Law